Welcome to "Latino Health Organization" Website!





 Mission Statement 

The Mission of the Latino Health Organization is to diminish health-disparities faced by the Hispanic/Latino Community, through education, advocacy and leadership.English 

La Misión de La Organización Latina de la Salud es disminuir las necesidades de salud que enfrenta la Comunidad Hispana / Latina  a través de la educación, dedicación y liderazgo.Espanol  


  • Ofrecemos a la comunidad servicios de  prevención en el cuidado de su salud.
  • Referimos a la Comunidad Hispana a diferentes centros hospitalarios, profesionales de salud, escuelas y otros, que respondan a sus necesidades.
  • Apoyamos    a  la   comunidad   en  sus  necesidades de interpretación y ofrecemos consultas para  que  puedan adquirir seguros de salud.
  • Participamos conjuntamente en eventos organizados por hospitales,  iglesias, escuelas  y  otras  agencias   que beneficien  a  nuestra  comunidad  Hispana, tales como: exámenes médicos gratuitos del colesterol, glucosa grasa corporal, exámen  físico   para niños, cáncer de próstata, entre otros. A sí mismo participamos y promovemos los diferentes  eventos  sobre  inmigración organizados por diferentes organismos oficiales.
  • Todos los servicios son totalmente  GRATIS. 

Programas de Educación y Prevención Education and Prevention Programs

Contamos con diferentes programas para toda la familia. Nuestros programas estan disponibles solo en español.  We have differents programs for the whole family. All our programs are  available only in Spanish.

De Mujeres Program: A program that targets adult women to prepare, support, and empower them as enabler who will promote positive changes in themselves, family, partners, children, institutional and organizational life.

 Bienvenido Program: BIENVENIDO seeks to reduce reliance on alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs for individuals at risk for abuse and dependence due to stresses associated with immigrant traumas and ongoing marginalized community social status.  

Tobacco prevention and Cessation program: Through our partnership with the Marion County Minority Health Coalition we provide a coordinator to distribute information and provide on site referrals to ILI and 1800 quit now.   


DEEP:The Diabetes Empowerment Education Program, also known as DEEP, is directed towards persons with diabetes and their relatives who need information on diabetes self-care. The DEEP is a very important instrument of community education and growth for participants and health promoters. The DEEP Program was developed to provide community residents with the tools to better manage their diabetes in order to reduce complications and lead healthier, longer lives.The program has 9 sessions:1. Understanding the Human Body , 2. Understanding Diabetes and Its Risk Factors, 3. Monitoring Your Body, 4. Get Up and Move! Physical Activity and Diabetes, 5. Management of Diabetes through Meal Planning, 6. Diabetes Complications: Identification and Prevention, 7. Learning about Medications and Medical Care, 8. Diabetes and Depression: Mobilizing Family and Friends, 9.Tobacco and Diabetes: A dangerous combination

Body and Soul: This faith-based program is highly successful in helping church members eat more fruits and vegetables. When church congregations addressed healthier eating, physical and spiritual activity are also impacted.  

Nurturing Parenting: Has been designed for Families to: Develop nurturing parenting skills, Learning nurturing parenting skills together (parents and children), enjoy the benefits of learning how to grow and bond as a family, develop a consistent, nurturing home by involving grandparents and other extended family members in learning the philosophy of nurturing parenting.
Salseros del Barrio:Students participating in this after-school salsa band have increased grades and attendance in school, improved behavior at school and home, and developed better relationships with parents and teachers.  
ØHeart Power: curriculum-based program for teaching about the heart and how to keep it healthy for a lifetime. Nutrition, physical activity, living tobacco-free, knowing the hearts’ parts and how works all are vital information for kids maintaining a healthy heart.
ØA Lifetime of Healthy Smiles and Shining Smiles: These two dental programs help young students understand the importance of their teeth, Provide students with information on good oral health appropriate to their age and experience, introduce the dentist as a friendly doctor who helps them take care of their teeth.
Operation Fit Kids:The Operation Fit Kids is an educational program offered in schools for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders and consists of seven lessons.  The topics covered include Activity pyramid, Food pyramid, importance of your heart and repetitive exercise, what to drink for proper hydration, healthy snacks, walking, strengthening exercises, benefits of stretching exercises,  food labels, reduce calories in fast-food meals, importance of eating breakfast, healthy active lifestyle, and healthy eating habits.

Niños en forma: La operación Niños en Forma/ es un programa educacional ofrecido en escuelas para los 3eros,4tos y 5tos grados y consiste en 7 lecciones. Los temas a tratar incluyen: La Actividad de la Pirámide, Comida de la Pirámide, importancia de tu corazón y ejercicios repetitivos, que beber para una hidratación apropiada, meriendas saludables, caminar, ejercicios de estiramiento y sus beneficios, leer etiquetas de comida, reducir las calorías en las comidas rápidas, la importancia de comer desayuno, estilos saludables de vida y aprender hábitos saludables de vida.

Diabetes Self-Management: La diabetes es una enfermedad en la que el organismo no produce insulina o no la utiliza adecuadamente. La insulina es necesaria para que el organismo pueda utilizar el azúcar para la energia. Diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insuline. Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use glucose for energy.Esta es una enfermedad crónica que cada vez afecta más a la comunidad Latina. El programa enseña a prevenir y controlar la diabetes
Chronic Disease Self-Management: Es un recurso importante para cualquier persona con  algun problema crónico de salud. Es una guía para  el manejo de las enfermedades del  corazón, diabetes, asma, bronquitis, enfisema y otros problemas crónicos. El grupo de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles incluye a la obesidad, la diabetes, las enfermedades cardiovasculares y cerebro-vasculares, la hipertensión arterial, el cáncer y los problemas articulares.




We are located at/ Estamos ubicados en:

Marian Center/ Centro Mariano

311 N New Jersey St. Indianapolis, IN 46204

Phone: (317) 972-4564

     Fax: (317) 637-0111

 E-mail: latinohealthorg@gmail.com